fredag 9 juli 2010

Nessie is a fish!

As a courtesy to our international followers of the blogg it will be in English this time.

I hereby co
nsidere it to be proven that the Loch Ness Monster actually is a fish. After have driven the total length of Loch Ness with our depth sonar on in fish and monster finding mode, all we could see were occasional fishes on various depths. Like on the picture here - one on 33 meters, and here the total depth was 140 m.
The only thing you can say is that if the fish is represented in actual size, and the total screen is 140 m - its quite a big one!

Loch Ness wasn´t very friendly to us this day. We had rain and 10-14 m/s against us, most of the time. But with Raymonds help Janne could sit under the spray-hood and Lisa could take a nap and also cook some dinner.
We did snap a shot one the few times there was a bit of blue sky.

We took a closer look at the ruins of the Urquhart Castle. To many/some Swedes it is known because it is in a book by Björn Larsson, The Keltic Ring. It is here that the good guy mets the bad guy. Someone said it was on page 109. I wouldn´t know.

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