Vi lämnade turistvimlet i Pythagorion tidigt. Samos måste rundas och vi valde att följa södra kusten mot väster och sedan gå norrut genom sundet mellan Samos och Ikaria. Det blev en lång dag med motorsegling i rejäl motvind. Genom att låta segel och motor hjälpas åt kunde vi hålla bra höjd mot vinden. Görans grekiska sallad var, precis som igår, en höjdpunkt under dagen. Alla är på gott humör. En toppenbesättning! Vid 19-tiden var vi framme i en ankringsvik nära Chios sydspets. Vi paddlade in till en taverna för mat och planering inför fortsättningen av seglingen mot Orei. Vid något tillfälle måste vi korsa Egeiska havet och komma över till den västra sidan. Alternativen är: Härifrån och imorgon bitti eller om ett par dagar och längre norrut, från Lesvos t.ex. Väderprognosen visar kraftiga vindar som dessutom ökar framöver. Det får bli imorgon. Bäst att ta den besvärligaste utmaningen så länge Jakob är kvar och vi är fyra ombord.
We left the tourist throng of Pythagorion early in the morning. Samos has to be rounded and we chose to follow the southern coast going west. Then north in the sound between Samos and Ikaria. It ment a long day motor-sailing in strong up-wind. Letting the engine and the sails work together ment we could keep up against the wind. Gorans greek sallad was, as yesterday, one of the headlights of the day. Everybody is in a good mood. The best crew ever. Around 7 pm we arrived in a small anchoring bay near the south tip of Chios. We took the dingy to a taverna for food and planning the continuation of our sailing. The weather forecast is a lot of wind and then even more. At some point we have to cross the Aegean Sea and get over to the west side. Either we go north up to Lesvos, which means another couple of dayson the east side, or we go from here. We decided to do it while Jakob is still with us. It is better to get it over with. Tomorrow it is.
We left the tourist throng of Pythagorion early in the morning. Samos has to be rounded and we chose to follow the southern coast going west. Then north in the sound between Samos and Ikaria. It ment a long day motor-sailing in strong up-wind. Letting the engine and the sails work together ment we could keep up against the wind. Gorans greek sallad was, as yesterday, one of the headlights of the day. Everybody is in a good mood. The best crew ever. Around 7 pm we arrived in a small anchoring bay near the south tip of Chios. We took the dingy to a taverna for food and planning the continuation of our sailing. The weather forecast is a lot of wind and then even more. At some point we have to cross the Aegean Sea and get over to the west side. Either we go north up to Lesvos, which means another couple of dayson the east side, or we go from here. We decided to do it while Jakob is still with us. It is better to get it over with. Tomorrow it is.
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