Vi ligger i Lakki Marina på Leros. Imorse hälsade jag på en man på en moppe. Jag försökte mig på "Te kanis?" - som betyder "Hur står det till?". Han svarade "Bra tack!" - på svenska! Jag hade träffat Alex. Han är grek, bor på Leros, pratar 6 språk varav ett är svenska, har arbetat på många olika ställen i världen och, berättade han, var en nära vän till Göran Schildt. Sedan fortsatte Alex framställningen med att berätta om när de blev så osams att han lämnade en middagsbjudning hos Schildt. Alex har ett försegel som hört till Göran Schildts berömda båt Daphne. Vi ska kolla om museet i Finland där hon numera ligger, vill ha seglet. Sedan har Alex inte mer tid, han håller på och förmedlar ett köp av cyklar med kardanaxel istf kedja från Kina till Österrike. "Ring mig!" säger han och lämnar sitt telefonnummer! /L
We are in Lakki marina on Leros. This morning I said kalimera to a man on a scooter. I tried a " te kanis?". He answered me " Fine thank You" in Swedish. I had met Alex. He is greek, lives on Leros, speaks 6 languages out of which one is Swedish, has worked all over the world, and, he told us was a close friend of Göran Schildt. After that Alex toldvus about an occassion when he and Göran Schildt disagreed so much that Alex walked out of the dinner party they were having. Alex has a fore sail that belonged to Schildts famous boat Daphne. We will check if the museum in Finland where Daphne is would want it as a donation. Then Alex doesnt have time with us anymore. He is comissioning a deal with bicycles that have cardan shaft instead of a chain, from China to Austria. Call me tomorrow he says and gives us his phone number.
Göran Schildt is known in Scandinavia for being a very early sailor in the Mediterranean.. He has written several books about it and he moved to Leros.
We are in Lakki marina on Leros. This morning I said kalimera to a man on a scooter. I tried a " te kanis?". He answered me " Fine thank You" in Swedish. I had met Alex. He is greek, lives on Leros, speaks 6 languages out of which one is Swedish, has worked all over the world, and, he told us was a close friend of Göran Schildt. After that Alex toldvus about an occassion when he and Göran Schildt disagreed so much that Alex walked out of the dinner party they were having. Alex has a fore sail that belonged to Schildts famous boat Daphne. We will check if the museum in Finland where Daphne is would want it as a donation. Then Alex doesnt have time with us anymore. He is comissioning a deal with bicycles that have cardan shaft instead of a chain, from China to Austria. Call me tomorrow he says and gives us his phone number.
Göran Schildt is known in Scandinavia for being a very early sailor in the Mediterranean.. He has written several books about it and he moved to Leros.
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